Nothing is more liberating than being yourself.

AUTHENTICITY is Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s word of 2023, and we couldn’t be happier about it. At Bold Stories, we’ve been using this word for a few years now, and it’s become one of the cornerstones of our philosophy. We aim to equip people and brands with the tools to understand and express their authenticity. We know that to do this, one must first discover their own “bolditudo” and bring it into the world through choices, actions, and stories.

Authenticity may seem like a simple word, but it carries many meanings. Often used in contrast with what is fake, artificial, or contrived, it’s strongly tied to the concept of identity. Identity is the keyword, yet understanding who we truly are is far from easy. After all, “There’s nothing more difficult than being yourself.” It also requires us to work to create the same opportunity for others. This is where authenticity can become the ally we’ve been looking for. But it’s not a given; it’s a process that requires thought, planning, and action.

The Quest for Authenticity

People are increasingly aware of how essential authenticity is—not only in their personal lives but also when choosing a brand, applying for a job, or deciding where to invest their time. This search for authenticity has accelerated in recent years due to various factors. The disruptive rise of digitalization has shifted perspectives, from the hyper-visibility of social media culture to the mistrust generated by “fakes” online, and even the resurgence of Artificial Intelligence, which in the past year has raised new questions about what is “real” and what is not.

And this isn’t just a symbolic search. Analyzing Google Trends, we find that global searches for “Authenticity” have grown steadily over the past ten years.

Google Trends: search “Authenticity” from 2013-2023

Digging deeper, we see that the phrase “less perfection, more authenticity” has surged in popularity among related searches.

This trend reflects a desire for change, away from social expectations and constant performance pressure, and toward a sense of self that feels lost and is often discouraged by forces beyond our control. It’s the drive to reclaim our space, our “voice,” and the ideas, insights, and visions that make us who we are—and to share them through stories that truly represent us. Without judgment, telling our authentic story rather than the one we think we should tell.

Identity, Context, and Storytelling: Three Areas for Exploring Authenticity

We often talk about the power of stories and how they can become powerful tools for Representation. Everything we do is storytelling. Stories help us make sense of reality and create shared meanings. That’s why telling authentic stories is a way to help people feel seen, understood, and valued. And there can’t be an authentic story without first understanding who we truly are.

So, how do we understand ourselves and decide which story to tell? There are at least three areas to explore:

  • Identity
  • Context analysis
  • Narrative Strategies



The first step is understanding who we are. This applies to individuals as well as brands. There are various ways and methodologies to approach this. We’ve developed the Bold Stories Model®, a framework that leverages the power of storytelling, especially from film and TV series, to help find your Bold Character and be the protagonist of your own story.

It’s a complex and multifaceted model from which we extract insights and valuable information for strategic work. If we aren’t already working together, you can start by asking yourself: what are your interests and passions? What are you good at? (Be bold in answering this; we know it can be hard to recognize your abilities!) And what is your vision for a better world? Ask yourself any questions that can help clarify what you believe in, your talents, and the change you want to create. You may uncover who you truly are at the intersection of these realms.


The context in which we exist significantly affects our ability to fully express our identity, even when we don’t realize it. This is why our ongoing journey of understanding and dismantling biases and stereotypes is so valuable—it helps us recognize any partial and distorted views of reality we might hold, as well as the potential drivers of discrimination and the foundations of Diversity and Inclusion. Challenging the standard becomes a way to let our identity shine through.


Only when we understand who we are, and what might stand between us and our authenticity, can we tell the right story for ourselves—the one that expresses our true nature. We call this the Bold Story, a courageous, authentic, and inclusive story that inspires action. It’s a story that not only has the power to change reality but to create it.

The Courage of Authenticity

In a world that sets rigid standards about who we’re allowed to be, what roles we’re allowed to occupy, and what stories we’re allowed to tell, authenticity is a courageous choice.

We encourage you to be bold and authentic—not only for yourself but because authenticity is contagious, and when it’s released, it has the power to inspire others as well. Together, we can design and open new spaces that are more inclusive and welcoming, where people can be themselves and contribute to the world.

You need the right tools for this journey; we’re here to help.


Ready to start designing authentically? Try out our downloadable Tools, starting with “The Authenticity CheckList.”




The Dad Shift (UK, 2024) | DEI&B, Gender, Representation
Toni Morrison. Sperling & Kupfer (2019) | Skin tone Ethnicity Nationality.
Bold Stories (Italy, 2022) | DEI&B, Skin tone Ethnicity Nationality, Representation [Progettata con lo Storytelling Thinking®]